
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Faith Deconstruction with Marie Griffith
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
I can't wait for you to meet my friend Marie Griffith. We met through the Flying Free sisterhood and are deconstruction journeyers who find ourselves knee-deep in theology, ministry, and the "untangling" reality of deconstruction. Recently we co-lead an online study of my recently published journal, Deconstruction: Your Journey in Faith. I know that this is just the beginning of our ministry relationship.
Resources Marie mentions include:

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
August Study Group
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Hi! It's Stacey. I have another study group starting in August. It's a 6-week Zoom study using Deconstruction: Your Journey in Faith.
The study will be on Wednesdays from 7-8pm EST for 6 weeks, starting Wednesday, August 11th.
Join my waitlist for more details by emailing me at stacey@clarityunleashed.com.
It's a free group - you just need to purchase your book at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09328MJ6G/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_4CMPFH4AWDZBN4B7RF7X
Stacey Wynn ministers within the tension of deconstruction, equipping others to find freedom in Christ, to confidently identify erroneous teaching and harmful theology, and to gain clarity of purpose. Learn more at www.ClarityUnleashed.com.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Deconstruction: Your Journey in Faith
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
I am excited to announce that my study journal is now published! You can find it on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle, although I recommend the paperback for ease of writing. With the purchase of the book you gain access to audio teachings for each of the six modules. The podcast you are listening to is Module 1 of the book.
I would love to have you join the online Clarity Cohort, starting May 13th. It's a small-group "feel" and all online. I will keep the numbers low so we have the ability to really get to know one another and dig in to the discussion. Find out more on my site.
What Is Faith Deconstruction?
Deconstruction is synonymous with the discipleship process known as spiritual formation. Christians mature in faith through disciplines including prayer, personal study, and formal teaching within church and ministry contexts.
Sometimes teachings and experiences can be unhealthy and even abusive. During deconstruction, Christians faithfully examine how our relationship with God has been influenced by traditions, theology, church leadership, and societal factors experienced in our modern context.
Imagine sitting at a table in front of a pile of miscellaneous puzzle pieces. Deconstruction involves looking at each piece of the puzzle and finding where it fits, or making the determination that it does not belong at all.
Deconstruction is unique for each believer but typically involves wrestling with Bible translations, teachings, traditions, and personal experiences. Those who embark on the journey meet pushback from church leaders, family members, and friends. Misunderstanding, they believe that deconstruction means walking away from God when it typically leads to a much deeper faith.
Your story will be unique. I hope that the exercises and Scriptural passages within this study provide a framework to better envision the puzzle you are piecing together. When you have completed this study, your journey won't be over, but I believe you will be empowered and equipped to continue.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
2020.5 Part 2 Angela Rasberry Roberts
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Part 2 with Angela includes some resources that have been helpful for her. If you would enjoy joining our deconstruction community, reach out to me about our weekly Sunday evening Zoom and private Facebook group. Just email me at stacey@clarityunleashed.com. Resources List Rob Bell, author of Love Wins: https://robbell.com/ The Bible for Normal People podcast: https://peteenns.com/podcast/ Resources from Rachel Held Evans: https://rachelheldevans.com/ Sarah Bessey article: https://www.sarahbessey.com/essays/penny-in-the-air BT Harman: https://www.bluebabiespink.com/ Jeff Chu, author of Does Jesus Really Love Me?: http://byjeffchu.com/about/ Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian: http://www.matthewvines.com/

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
2020.4 Part 1: Angela Rasberry Roberts
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
I am honored to share the next two-part podcast with my friend Angela. We met in a support group for abuse survivors and she is an integral part of the Deconstruction Zone, a private Facebook community I facilitate. Personally, I value her perspective, because her journey has included an evangelical upbringing, ministry leadership, and overseas missions work. A destructive marriage led to many changes in her life, but ultimately brought her to the love of her life, Krissy. Angela has a beautiful unfolding story of healing, love, and ministry that I can't wait for you to hear. Look for part 2 soon, along with some helpful resources mentioned over the course of our conversation.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Part 2: Jan Owen, MA, ALC, NCC
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Jan is a licensed grief, life transition, and anxiety counselor in Alabama. She is a loss survivor and that led her to counseling just a few years ago. In our podcast Jan shares her journey, which includes time spent as a church leader and a faith seeker in a season of deconstruction.
In part 2 we discuss women's ministry, spiritual meaning of 3 words: wrestling, inclusion, and exclusion, recovering from the emotional toll of counseling, and how Jan built and launched her business right in the midst of a pandemic.
If you are in the state of Alabama, you have the ability to work with Jan. Find her practice here: https://backporchcounseling.com/
Other places you'll find Jan are on Twitter: https://twitter.com/janjowen and her book, Fighting Forward, is on her site: https://www.janjowen.com/ and on Amazon (Click Here).
And I welcome you to take a look at my website, https://www.clarityunleashed.com/, which recently got an amazing overhaul from Kristine Forster at Wix.

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Part 1: Jan Owen, MA, ALC, NCC
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Jan is a licensed grief, life transition, and anxiety counselor in Alabama. She is a loss survivor and that led her to counseling just a few years ago. In our podcast Jan shares her journey, which includes time spent as a church leader and a faith seeker in a season of deconstruction.
If you are in the state of Alabama, you have the ability to work with Jan. Find her practice here: https://backporchcounseling.com/
Other places you'll find Jan are on Twitter: https://twitter.com/janjowen and her book, Fighting Forward, is on her site: https://www.janjowen.com/ and on Amazon (Click Here).
And I welcome you to take a look at my website, https://www.clarityunleashed.com/, which recently got an amazing overhaul from Kristine Forster at Wix.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
2020.2 Patrice McClendon | Sista 2 Sista: Women Empowering Women
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
I am excited to introduce Patrice McClendon, a Jacksonville resident and President and Marketing Manager for Sista 2 Sista: Women Empowering Women. Patrice and her team have a women's event at UNF on March 14th.
Speakers are addressing holistic wellness (spiritual, physical, mental) in support of this year's theme, It Is Well. Vendors, including wellness vendors, will be on site with free resources and free diagnostics.
Click HERE for the agenda and visit the main website to purchase your tickets while they last! Only 125 tickets are available for this luncheon: https://sista2sistaempowerment.com/
Sista 2 Sista: Women Empowering Women Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/sista2sistaempowerment/
I love Patrice's heart for Building Empowerment, Community Connections, and Partnerships. She has a bold vision for Sista 2 Sista that empowers individuals to change communities.
I am going to be there and hope to meet you! So if you're coming, let me know at stacey@clarityunleashed.com so we can arrange to meet each other in person.

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
2020.1.Deconstruction & Upcoming Guests
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Today I hit on the huge topic of deconstruction -just dipping my toes in that water.
Also happy to announce a couple of upcoming guests:
1. Patrice McClendon will bring news about the upcoming women's conference in Jacksonville called Sista 2 Sista: Women Empowering Women (find on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/sista2sistaempowerment/). GET YOUR TICKETS here: http://sista2sistaempowerment.com/
2. My friend Roni Saulsberry who lovingly refers to herself as "a Christian who cusses." Who knows what might come up, but I have a feeling we will unpack issues of diversity in the church, spiritual abuse, and more. Might need to be rated PG-13!
I did something brave this week as a challenge from #noondayshine2020 the Noonday Collection conference I attended in Austin, TX. I'm dipping my toes into an experiment of sorts and will let you know how it's beginning. What will I be when I grow up? I have no idea still, but continue to be amazed by the strong and powerful women I meet in various walks of life.
Enjoy, and stay tuned for more! Happy 2020
Come see me at the Common Ground Conference in Jacksonville, FL on May1-2, 2020. Find out more and GET YOUR TICKETS here: http://commongroundjacksonville.com/

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
12: Wrestling with Identity
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
What is it about the word Wrestling? It shows up EVERYWHERE. Let's talk about what it means to wrestle with our faith. And how do we react to others who have questions about their identities as Christians? What about people who struggle with the very act of going to church? How do we best help those who are in the midst of their own wrestling match.
Genesis 32:24 Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. The Hebrew word for wrestle is אָבַק (ä·vak') and literally means to get dusty.
Let's get dusty.
I'd love to hear what you think about this topic. Email me at stacey@clarityunleashed.com
By the way, the book I referenced is:
Reese, Randy D., and Robert Loane. Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others On Their Leadership
Journey. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2012.